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Professor Young C.M. Named Honorary Dean of the SCS, City U
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Mr. Chan Meng Kam, Chairman of the Board of the City University of Macau, and Vice-Rector of CityU, Prof. Aliana Leong, named Prof. Young C.M. Honorary Dean of the School of Continuing Studies, City U to guide the strategic development of the School and the University.

Prof. Young is the Chairman of the Research and Development Committee of the Federation for Continuing Education of the Tertiary Universities of Hong Kong, and has served as the Vice Dean of the Science College of the University of Hong Kong, Vice Rector of the City University of Hong Kong, and Dean of HKU SPACE. In 2004, he was appointed a member of the Greater Pearl River Delta Business Council by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special administrative Region. Currently, he is Special Advisor to the Director of HKU SPACE, Chief Adviser of HKU SPACE Centre for Research in Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, Vice Chairman of the Branch of Continuing Education of Chinese Association of Higher Education, Chairman of the Collaborative group of Hong Kong and Macau, and the Editor of the International Journal of Continuing Education & Lifelong Learning.

Prof. Young C.M. visited Macau and during the visit, Prof. Young exchanged views with the Chairman of the Board of the City University of Macau, Mr. Chan Meng Kam and the Vice Rector of the University, Prof. Aliana Leong M.W. on the practices, goals and vision of the development of continuing education in Hong Kong and Macau.

Prof. Young commented favorably on the remarkable results achieved by the SCS in the aspects of curriculum system, characteristic specialties creation, enrollment scale and quality, services of Macau community, and international brand development, under the leadership of the Council of the City University of Macau. In just over a year, the SCS has covered the Chinese and English Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. programs with most of the local students. The school also cooperates with Macau and international enterprises to provide professional development plans in hotels, gaming and MICE for expanding the vision of young people, which will become an integral wealth of economic development for the economic development of Macau. Furthermore, by playing an active role in research, teaching and consulting, the school has become a bridge across Macau tourism industry, academia and the community that plays an important role in the transformation and development of the University. Prof. Young believes that the SCS implements a curriculum system that perfectly connects with the local leading industry, and has a higher proportion of Macau students, among them, a reasonable proportion of undergraduate and graduate students. The faculty also has a comprehensive coverage of degree programs levels, thus, giving great significance in the enhancement of the features of the University, not to mention local community recognition.

During the discussion, strategic positioning, the international and branded development of the advancement of the SCS and future teaching quality assurance system were also emphasized. Prof. Young provided many useful suggestions on the improvement of the University. Prof. Young further expressed that the Federation for Continuing Education of the Tertiary Universities of Hong Kong and Branch of Continuing Education of Chinese Association of Higher Education would provide support to the University for the Exchanges and cooperation with domestic and overseas institutions of higher education. Mr. Chan recognized the efforts and expressed thanks for the advices and support of Prof. Young.


Professor Young C.M. Named Honorary Dean of the SCS, City U

Mr. Chan Meng Kam, the Chairman of the Board of City U and Prof. Aliana Leong, the Vice Rector of the University presented the letter of appointment as the Honorary Dean of SCS to Prof. Young


More Details: 澳門城市大學官網 City U