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Heads of City University of Macau Visited Chief Executive Chui Sai On
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City University of Macau’s Council Chairman Chan Meng Kam, the University’s Rector Yan Ze-Xian and company visited Macau Special Administrative Regional Government’s Chief Executive Chui Sai On recently, reporting on the University’s works on education in the past year and future development plans. Mr. Chui Sai On acknowledged the great effort the City U has made for progress on education in Macau, and emphasized that nurturing talents would always be the essential mission for running a school. The Government of the Macau Special Administrative Region would support the development of Macau’s local higher education as always, and had great hope on City U educating more talents to better serve the community. 

During the visit, Chairman Chan Meng Kam and Rector Yan Ze-Xian introduced the progress the University has made in the past odd year, especially the completion of two historical changes: the change in structure from profit-making private institute to non-profit private university, and the change in education model from focusing mainly on part-time education before to putting equal importance on both full-time and part-time education, and gradually adding disciplines that would match the need of Macau’s community development and economic construction. These changes have had the most positive effect for City U on further improving the quality of education and progressing in academic researches. Rector Yan indicated that City U has had an accurate direction of development and position and has insisted upon “strive on quality, progress by specialty”; at present the University offered courses for Doctorate, Master and Bachelor’s degree, vocational diploma and certificate et al in Chinese, English and Portuguese. This year the University would start on transforming and upgrading; there would be further improvements on regulating institutional establishments and perfecting the system of courses and subjects, and the University would move on to be a suitably sized, rightfully structured and officially regulated university of high quality, comprehensive nature and distinctive specialties. 
Chief Executive Chui Sai On responded that the Special Administrative Regional Government has always attached great importance on making educational development a priority and remained committed to implementing the governing policy of “prosperous Macau by education”, strongly supporting both non-higher education and higher education in Macau and ensuring ample resources for higher education development. The government would continue to elevate the three functions on teaching and learning, studies and researches, as well as community services by local tertiary institutes, providing better conditions for Macau’s local higher education to achieve sustainable development, and giving assistance for Macau’s local tertiary institutes to improve their strength on educating and level of internationalization. Mr. Chui Sai On emphasized that nurturing talents being the essential mission for running a school, the SAR Government would continue to support City U’s development as always, so that the University could nurture more talented people of high caliber for Macau. 
City University of Macau’s Vice-Rector Leong Man Wai, Assistant Rector and Registrar Xing Wen-Xiang were also in the company for this visit. 

More Details: 澳門城市大學官網 City U