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Lin Renda, chairman of Jinjiang Municipal Committee of Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, leads delegation to visit CityU
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A delegation led by Lin Renda, chairman of the Jinjiang Municipal Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, recently visited City University of Macau. The visit included a campus tour and a meeting with Vice Rector Zhou Wanlei and the faculty team from the Faculty of Data Science. The delegation was accompanied by Lin Ruiquan, dean of the School of Advanced Manufacturing and the School of Ocean at Fuzhou University.

Vice Rector Zhou introduced CityU’s educational achievements in talent cultivation, discipline development, and future orientation, providing an overview of the Faculty of Data Science. Chairman Lin Renda discussed Jinjiang’s development and expressed hopes for potential collaboration. Dean Lin Ruiquan stated that the visit aimed to promote collaboration between Fuzhou University, primarily Jinjiang Campus, and CityU in applying for a state key laboratory and joint programs.

As a result of the meeting, the two universities reached a preliminary consensus and will further discuss collaboration on joint programs to nurture talent in data science.

More Details: 澳門城市大學官網 City U