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Financial Advisory Talent Development Program Starting
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【Macau Daily News】 The "Financial Advisory Talent Development Program" started yesterday. Tourism and gaming, finance and banking are the predominant industries in Macau however, there are not enough professionals in economics, information and technology. A survey found that 67% of the respondents encountered difficulties in recruiting information technology professionals, therefore, it is hoped that launching the program would help solve the problem of shortage of professionals in information and technology in Macau. 

Prof. Leong and Doris Lee expressed that although Macau higher institutions have trained professionals in information and technology, the number still does not meet the needs of enterprises. Today, daily life is inseparable from information technology, including banking activities, ATM or online banking, which requires a lot of information and technology support. Coupled with overseas businesses of Macau financial industry, more innovative and rapid activities, such as mobile banking, need the coordination of information technology. 

The survey also found that each year about 70 % of students select related disciplines such as tourism and commerce, while bachelor and master degree graduates majored in information technology are only about 150, causing 67% of the respondents meeting difficulties in recruiting information technology professionals. Coupled with the need to constantly update knowledge and information, the SCS of CityU, CE company and P&C information Technology Co, Ltd (Macau) set up the "Financial Advisory Talent Development Program" to solve the problem of shortage of information and technology professionals, and further to accomplish the goal oflocalization and professionalization of financial information professionals. 

The program will last for six months with launching information technology courses in two different areas monthly. Courses are taught in classes of about 25 students ranging from 16 hours to 30 hours. It is expected to start next month, during which the human resource status of enterprise will be also investigated. 


More Details: 澳門城市大學官網 City U