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The SCS of CityU Visiting HKUSPACE to Promote Cooperation
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  • "澳城大繼續教育學院副校長兼繼續教育學院院長 梁文慧教授和香港大學專業進修學院與會者合照"

Vice-rector and Dean of the SCS of City U, Prof. Aliana Leong Man Wai visited the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education and was warmly welcomed by the Dean, Professor Lee, C.F.; the principal consultant of Center for Research in Continuing Education & Lifelong Learning, Professor Young J.M; executive vice dean (academic) Dr. Shen X. M.; the College Principal, Prof. Wong, T.M, and a number of school leaders. The exchange deepened the mutual understanding and promoted the cooperation in educational resources. Prof. Leong also visited the teaching center of HKUSPACE Community College in Kowloon. 

At the meeting, the two sides deeply discussed the curriculum, features, academic activities, as well as space and mode of potential collaboration. They reached a preliminary consensus on how to cultivate talents in response to life-long learning ideas, strengthen the development of continued education in Macau and Hong Kong, cooperate to hold international conferences, offer professional training courses, as well as personnel exchanges. After the meeting, Prof. Leong visited the teaching center of HKUSPACE Community College in Kowloon. This visit promotes mutual cooperation and development between the SCS of CityU and HKUSPACE.

With about 900 full-time staff members and some 2,000 part-time teachers, HKU SPACE is the leading local provider in continuing education in HongKong. Course enrollments since 1956 have well exceeded two million and annual course enrollment often has exceeded 100,000. In 2008/09, this was equivalent to some 21,000 full-time equivalent students. The School collaborates closely with the other faculties and departments of the University to offer timely and relevant courses that meet society’s needs to update education and skills for a knowledge economy.


More Details: 澳門城市大學官網 City U