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Heads of City University of Macau Met with Leaders of Ministry of Education
Mr. Chan Meng Kam, Chairman of the Council of City University of Macau, visited the Ministry of Education with representatives of the University while attending the First Plenary Session of the Eleven...
Professor Young C.M. Named Honorary Dean of the SCS, City U
Mr. Chan Meng Kam, Chairman of the Board of the City University of Macau, and Vice-Rector of CityU, Prof. Aliana Leong, named Prof. Young C.M. Honorary Dean of the School of Continuing Studies, City U...
Mr. Chan Meng Kam Discussed Educational Cooperation and Development with Leaders of Fujian Province
Mr. Chan Meng Kam, Chairman of the Council for City University of Macau, along with Dr. Qiu Xiaohua, Director for the Institute of Economics and Professor Xing Wenxiang, Vice-Rector of the University,...
City U Academic Works Recognized
Macau’s academics gathered together at the Macau Science Centre for the 3rd Outstanding Achievement Award for Humanities and Social Sciences Researches in Macau on January 3rd, 2013. This Award ...
City U of Macau Co-organizes  Higher Education Quality Assurance Conference
Higher Education Quality Assurance conference was held on December 16 for three consecutive days at the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel organized by the Tertiary Education Services Office of the Governmen...
International Academic Seminar
爲深入探討高等教育管治理論和實際經驗,交流現代大學制度建設學術前沿的研究成果,獲取改進自身建設的動力和經驗,進一步推進澳門高校的制度建設, “現代大學制度建設研究—大學管治的理論與實踐”國際學術研討會於10月30在澳門理工學院隆重舉行,來自英國、美國、荷蘭、新加坡、中國内地、香港及澳門的高等教育專家、學者彙聚一堂,切磋交流,為澳門內外的高等教育管治、制...
Academy of International Business – Southeast Asia Regional Conference
澳門城市大學副校長兼管理學院院長邢文祥教授與管理學院周家賢博士、周國強博士、張偉華博士、鄺婉樺博士、顧良智博士、顧向恩博士於12月5日赴廈門參加為期三天之國際管理學術 [亞太區域] Academy of International Business – Southeast Asia Regional Conference) 2012 年度會議並發表論文研究報告。 與會專家學者來自中國、...
Vice Rector, Professor Xing Wenxiang, and Representatives from Faculty of Management Attended the 2012 Academy of International Business Conference in Xiamen
Professor Xing Wenxiang, the Vice Rector of City University of Macau & Dean of Faculty of Management, accompanied by Dr. Gavin Chau, Dr. Ken Chow, Dr. Daniel Cheung, Dr. Eva Khong, Dr. L.C. Koo an...
Vice-Rector Xing Wen Xiang made a speech in the Australia-China University Leadership Series
為慶祝中澳建交40週年,澳大利亞大學協會(UA)、澳大利亞工業、創新、科學、研究和高等教育部(DIISRTE)與中國教育部日前在澳大利亞首都坎培拉舉辦了名為“慶祝40年的合作——澳大利亞與中國教育合作的未來”的澳中大學領導者論壇。大學副校長邢文祥教授作為澳門高校的唯一代表在論壇上發表了題為“充分發揮澳門的大學在中外大學競爭與合作中的橋樑和紐帶作用”的主題演講。 邢副校在演講中,首先闡述了大學國際化...
President of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Visited City University of Macau
President Zhong Weihe and a delegation from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies visited City University of Macau on November 6th. They were welcomed by City U’s Rector, Professor Yan Zexian....
City U’s Vice-Rector Xing Wenxiang and Professor Chow Kwok-keung Invited to speak at International Symposium for the Construction of Modern University System
The International Symposium for the Construction of Modern University System: Theories and Practice of University Governance officially opened at Macao Polytechnic Institute on October 30th. The Sympo...
First phase of “Introductory Course for MICE Practitioners” Successfully Concluded
"繼續教育學院課程協調主任高岩博士(右四)與學員合照  " The first phase of "Introductory Course for MICE Practitioners” co-organized by the Labor Affairs Bureau (Macau) and the School of Continuing St...