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City University of Macau’s Rector Yan Ze-Xian and company visited Macau Cultural Industries Committee
  City University of Macau’s Rector Professor Yan Ze-Xian and company visited Macau Cultural Industries Committee’s Vice-Chairman Leong Heng Teng. On the morning of February 16th...
President of Polytechnic Institute Portuguese Coordination Committee and Company Visited City U
Professor João Sobrinho Teixeira and Professor Luis Pais, the President and Vice-President of the Polytechnic Institute Portuguese Coordination Committee and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragan...
The SCS of CityU Visiting HKUSPACE to Promote Cooperation
"澳城大繼續教育學院副校長兼繼續教育學院院長 梁文慧教授和香港大學專業進修學院與會者合照" Vice-rector and Dean of the SCS of City U, Prof. Aliana Leong Man Wai visited the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education and was wa...
Delegation of City U visited Europe, Promoting Collaboration and Improving Internationalization
To advance international collaborations with City University of Macau, and strengthen our ties and communications with European countries – especially Portuguese-speaking countries, the Universi...
City University of Macau Foundation Trust Committee Annual meeting 2012
City University of Macau Foundation Trust Committee held its Annual meeting of 2012 at April 12th, 2012. The University Foundation Trust Committee’s Chairman Chou Kei Jan, Vice-Chairman LAO NGAI LEONG...
Heads of City University of Macau Visited Chief Executive Chui Sai On
City University of Macau’s Council Chairman Chan Meng Kam, the University’s Rector Yan Ze-Xian and company visited Macau Special Administrative Regional Government’s Chief Executive ...
Steel Rose Blooming at Distinguished Lecture Series of City University of Macau
Ms. Chou Kei Jan, former President of the Legislative Council of the Macau Special Administrative Region and President of City University of Macau Foundation Trust Committee, on invitation by the Univ...
Macau students Stress the Enhancement of Professional English
"照片-近200名考生參加多益職業英語考試 在澳城大繼續教育學院舉行" "照片-近200名考生參加多益職業英語考試 在澳城大繼續教育學院舉行"   Since the school became the “Test of English for International Communication” center in D...
The SCS of City U Signed the Cooperation MOU to Promote Lifelong Learning
"澳城大副校長兼繼續教育學院院長 梁文慧與北電大簽署合作意向書" Lifelong learning is a popular thought that is now considered the most significant education reform and social quality promotion around the world. In his 201...
A Study of Basic Human Rights and Interests of Macao Residents Published
"照片:有關研究成果封面" Promotion of civic education is one of the important missions of adult education. Vice Rector and the Director of the SCS of City U, Prof. Aliana Leong spearheaded the study al...
Professional Training of Adult Education Instructor Successfully Held
"出席嘉賓與部分學員合照" "校董會主席陳明金先生與澳門成人教育學會負責人梁官漢先生和黃偉傑先生合照  " The School of Continuing Studies of the CityU and the Association of Adult Education Macau are committed to promote adult...
Cooperation MOU Signed Between the SCS of City U and the North America Education Institute
"城大副校長梁文慧教授代表繼續教育學院 簽署教育合作備忘錄" "城大副校長梁文慧教授和繼續教育學院課程主任 高岩博士代表接受贈書" The signing of the cooperation MOU between the SCS of City U and the North America Education Institute and Book Do...